Animated model with 70 animations!
11.000 polygons, 63 bones, 2 materials (gun and body).
Textures are 2048*2048px.
MECANIM compatibile model.
4 LOD stages:
TPose, alertautofire, alertdamaged, alertFireAround, alertGo, alertgrenade, alertIdle, alertreload, alertsearch, alertsearch_02, alertsinglefire, alertStop, alertStopAndGo, alertwalkbackward, alertwalkforward, alertwalkleft, alertwalkright, crouchautofire, crouchbackward, crouchfireAround, crouchfireAround_02, crouchforward, crouchgrenade, crouchIdle, crouchleft, CrouchReload, crouchright, crouchsinglefire, death, Death2, death3, HitBack, HitFront, HitLeft, HitRight, idle, idlelookaround, idlelookaround_02, IdleToAlert, IdleToCrouch, idletoSit, jump_air, jump_air_short, jump_end, jump_Start, NewLife, point, pronecrawl, pronegrenade, proneIdle, proneRollLeft, proneRollRight, proneShot, roll, run_backward, Run_Forward, Run_Left, Run_Right, salute, SitIdle, SitToIdle, SneakRight, Sneak_Left, walkbackward, walkforward, walkforwardSearch, walkleft, walkright, watchback2, win,
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