"Tiny Rogue-Like Template" - that's template/tutorial game developing example for giving easy start point for new game developers who want create they're own simple and pretty cool roguelike with 16x16 tileset and etc.!
Adding info:
1. After asset import, open Welcome.PDF documentation, to get all help about project.
2. Check Documentation folder!
Include & Features:
- levels, enemies, items, treasures, NPC.
- Inventory system. Pretty simple.
- Journal system
- Scenario and non-Scenario tasks types.
- Equipment system. Like window with slots for helmet, chest, hand, etc.
- World map.
- Simple AI.
- Simple combat system.
- Items pickuping from ground.
- Dialog system. Can give tasks too and complete them.
Contacts & Demo:
Play Demo WebGL: Play on itch.io
Twitter: @DarkPhotton
Works For Fun (c)