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Unity Forums Thread
Current samples:
AuthInventory: Simple example of server authoritative inventory with stackable and unstackable items.
AuthPlatformer: Authoritative 2D platformer player with client side prediction.
AuthRigidbodyNoPrediction: Authoritative rigidbody players with no client side prediction.
AuthShip: Authoritative controller similar to Descent with acceleration and omnidirectional movement.
Host Migration Sample: Basic host migration functionality, when a host quits, the selected "backup host" will host, and the other clients will connect to that host.
If that "new host" then quits, the "backup host" it selected will host, and all if any other clients will connect to that. And on and on and on...
LoadingScreen: Persists scene for menu while fading to loading screen, then fades back in once scene is almost done loading
ManyAgent: Sample of 100 networked agents. Can reach more by adjusting Bolt settings, state settings, and other optimizations.
NetworkStats: Shows all available network stats on screen
ResourceControl: Sync tens of thousands of resources such as trees, rocks, etc. Trees can be chopped down piece by piece until they are felled, same for rocks.
sharedControl: Multiple players that gain control of a unit when they tell it to move.
Voice Chat: Simple voice chat sample.
Advanced Tutorial Plus: Scripts to replace default ones in Advanced Tutorial from main Bolt Samples. Cannot damage other players through buildings, rocket launcher is now functional and does damage. Clients with latency no longer jitter around on elevator.
WeaponRifle, WeaponBazooka, PlayerController, PlayerMotor
CommandWorkaround: Prevents server from accepting an excessive amount of commands from server.
HeadlessBuildUtil: Temporarily ignore files for a build for dedicated server headless build.
PhotonSample: Adds new functions to allow joining specific rooms directly. Useful for people using 3rd party matchmaking.
public void CreatePhotonRoom(out string roomName, out string socketPeerId, PhotonOperationFailedDelegate failedDelegate)
public void ConnectViaPhotonRoom(string roomName, string socketPeerId, PhotonOperationFailedDelegate failedDelegate)
vrPlayerController: Simple sample of a VR player syncing head and hands.