LushLOD Trees is the only product of its kind on the Asset Store which allows you to convert any tree created with the Unity Tree Creator into a LushLOD Tree!

Don't have any trees to convert? No problem! There are 12 great looking, fully editable example trees included with the package.

LushLOD Trees were built from the ground up to provide a range of quality options that make it possible, with the right settings, to render thousands of trees to the screen with manageable frame rates even on older computers.

On high quality settings, LushLOD Trees transition seamlessly between billboards in the distance, and high quality tree models up close. A state-of-the-art post processing effect is available to make these transitions so smooth that it is difficult to tell where the billboards transitions begin and end!

Speed is everything when you need to render thousands of trees to the screen. So there are a range of quality settings you can choose from to help you achieve the frame rate you need for your target platform.

Want to create a large forest that runs good on a mobile device? A "Billboard Only" mode is available for applications needing maximum performance.

Quality matters, even on billboards. LushLOD Trees are advanced. From the billboard, to the high quality tree models, multiple layers of effects are available to blend seams, hide sharp edges and smoothen out transitions.

Powerful enhancements to the high quality tree models are available too, including a powerful, fully baked self-shadowing system and deep support for baked shadows through Unity's Enlighten, even for large scenes with thousands of trees. Now you can turn off real-time shadows, and enjoy fully baked shadows at much better frame rates.

Maintain full control of your trees with the LushLOD Tree Manager, which allows you to instantly change the color of all the trees in your scene, and even fine-tune the color of the billboards. With the manager, you can instantly test different quality settings, transition distances, shadow settings, and more.

Package Features List:

1) Twelve fully editable example trees included
2) A powerful tree converter
3) Scene converter
4) State-of-the-art dithered transparency
5) State-of-the-art post processor
6) Low, Medium, Great and Ultra quality settings
7) Fully baked self-shadowing system
8) Baked shadow support with Enlighten
9) Multiple Real-time shadow options
10) Billboard Only mode
11) LushLOD Trees Manager
12) FULL source included

Billboard Quality Features:

1) Angular correction
2) Seams blending
3) Dithered transparency
4) Smooth transitions
5) Shaders editable in Shader Forge
6) Shadow casting (optional)
7) Shadow baking (optional)
8) Post Processing Effect (on Ultra quality)

Tree Features:

1) Fully supports Wind Zones
2) Fully baked self-shadowing (optional)
3) Support for both Linear and Gamma light modes
4) Support for deferred rendering (Unity 5.6+ only)
5) Support for spawning trees during gameplay
6) Convert any tree made with Unity Tree Creator!
7) Scene Converter now available

Speed Enhancements:

1) Tree parenting system
2) Shared Atlas Texture, fully batched
3) One draw call (for distant billboards)
4) Dithered (fake) transparency
5) Simple Shadows system
6) Billboard-only shadows system
7) Billboard-only mode
8) Enlighten baked shadows support
9) Level of Detail (LOD) control.

Vertex Counts:

The 12 included example trees all have between 650 and 3700 vertices each. The average number of vertices per tree is about 2k. Each tree also has a 3-way billboard mesh which contains exactly 12 vertices.

Compatible with:

1) Gaia Terrain Engine
2) Terrain Composer

1) Does not yet convert SpeedTree® trees
2) Has been tested on Windows, Mac, and VR. Has not yet been tested on other platforms.
3) Some features / optimizations unfinished
4) Beta product

Demo Scene:

Unsure if this product is right for you? Test it first! Download the Windows PC standalone demo here.


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