2D ColliderGen

Tweakable Mesh- Polygon- or EdgeColliders at the click of a button - now with tweakable Animated Colliders support.

+ Now works with latest Unity 2018 and 2019 releases and .NET4.0..
+ IMPORTANT: If you are using .NET3.5, unzip the included 2DColliderGen_Runtime_NET3.5.zip file!.
+ UGUI RawImage Support..
+ IMPORTANT: Moved 2D ColliderGen menu items to Component/2D Collidergen and Window/2D Collidergen.
+ Supports Unity 2019, 2018, 2017, 5.x, 4.x, 3.x.
+ Animated Colliders: remove collider frames or reference others
for tweaking and optimization.
+ Adjustible top/bottom/left/right Borders.
+ Supports UGUI Canvas Images.
+ Supports EdgeCollider2D as output collider type.
+ Multithreaded RuntimeAlphaMeshCollider script to adapt to your needs.
+ Unity5 and IL2CPP/iOS-64BIT support.
+ Animated Colliders for Unity 4.3 Sprite Animations.
+ Support for Unity 4.3 Sprites and PolygonCollider2D.
+ Infinite holes and islands within a single image.
+ Integrates with SmoothMoves, 2D Toolkit and
Orthello (Free, Elements and Pro).
+ Simple parameters for optimal results –
specify the vertex count you want.
+ Multi-object editing support.
+ Colliders can be forced convex for MeshCollider Rigidbody collisions
+ Works with SmoothMoves BoneAnimation characters.
+ Supports OTTilesSprite and OTTileMap.

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Video Tutorials for 2D Toolkit, SmoothMoves and Orthello