Infinite Runner Engine 3D

WEBGL DEMO (No ADS or In APP Purchasing)

Android DEMO (Contains ADS and In-App Purchasing)

❇️ Requirements:

  • Unity 2022.3.49f1 or higher (LTS version only)

💖 Infinite Runner Engine 3D is a complete mobile game kit for an endless runner game written in C#. The project has both swipe gestures and keyboard controls built-in and performs around 60 fps on most mobile devices. Is a highly customizable, optimized and easy to use solution that will provide you with everything you need to create your very own endless game.

Very easy to use and modify. Any beginner could easily pick it up and get started in no time!

⭐ Features:

  • Store system
  • Life system
  • Level system
  • Auto-save currency
  • New pattern setting (Can set a height object or add coin between lane)
  • Moving objects (E.g. Cars)
  • Mobile Support
  • Custom editor script
  • Key & Touch controller
  • Object pooling
  • 6 Power-Up items
  • Multiple Obstacles
  • Complete GUI set
  • Curve vertex transformation shader
  • Custom Audio
  • Follower Enemy
  • Upgrade System
  • Unity ADS for Android and iOS
  • Unity In-APP
  • Level System (Unlock, Lock, Star)
  • Instantiate Objects by distance
  • Gamepad Support
  • Key Assignment for All Movements
  • Runtime unlocking/level rating system

⭐ Curve World Shader (Optional):

Shader bending is a very effective vertex displacement technique for creating the illusion of the entire scene bending without actually modifying the original meshes. The effect is only visible in the camera and does not disturb any other game elements such as physics, animations, AI, path finding or other mesh transformations.

Subway Surfers, Minion Rush, Animal Crossing and many other games all use similar techniques for creating world bending effects.

YouTube Tutorial: How to Start?

YouTube Tutorial: Unity ADS

YouTube Tutorial: Unity In-APP


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