MapMagic World Generator

A node based procedural and infinite game map generator.

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Please note that the new version of MapMagic is available at the AssetStore. Together with 3 paid modules, it has the similar price, but faster and more feature rich. MapMagic 1 will still be supported for some time with bug and compatibility fixes, but no new big features are planned here.
MapMagic 2 new features

However MapMagic 2 is not compatible with current Voxeland version. Consider buying this asset if only you want to use this two assets together.

Each node on a graph represents a terrain or object generator: noise, voronoi, blend, curve, erosion, scatter, forest, etc. Once the nodes are connected the magic happens: a game map will be created without any human involvement.

No need for painstaking work sculpting and drawing vast terrains, placing thousands of objects, painting fields of grass: just give your orders to the plugin in the form of a node graph and it will create a map automagically!

Supports multiple biomes: forests, deserts, snowy plains, jungle and other terrain types from different graphs could be blended together.

Download Free Evaluation Version

Out of the box compatibility with:
- Voxeland 5
- MegaSplat
And in pinned (non-dynamic) mode: with all of the assets using standard Unity terrains.

The asset comes with the full source code.