Dynamic Volumetric Fog

Include 3 different approach to render dynamic volumetric fog, from the modern AAA solution to the most compatible solution for low-level mobile platform.

1. Shadowmap ray-march based approach. Best visual quality that match AAA industry level, heavy performance impact for mobile platform.

2. Particle system fog, based on unity3d's built-in particle system. Great visual quality with acceptable performance cost for nowaday mobile platform.

3. Object based volumetric fog. It's the traditional per-object fog. Great performance and should compatible with all level of mobile platform.

Fog features include:

1. Volumetric visual fog interact with scene depth.

2. Height and distance based fog.

3. Animated fog with customized noise.

4. Rich fog parameters for example move speed and direction, color and density ...

- Easy integrate into your own projects.

- Compatible with different unity version.

- Compatible with mobile platform.

- Compatible with any dx9, dx11 and openGL platform.

- Demo, document and source code included.

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