The definitive Fog of War package empowers you to fog up your 2D or 3D game, hiding secret elements from the player. FogOfWar is highly modular, customizable and lightening fast to meet the needs of any RTS, MOBA or adventure game that needs a thick shroud of mist around it.

- Legacy, URP, URP 2D, and HDRP Support
- Works with 2D and 3D
- Varying map size
- Chunking system for infinite maps in all 3 dimensions
- Different color, texture, filter and blurring options
- Queue-friendly tools
- Great performance (including hardware acceleration and multithreading)
- Line of Sight (occluding objects)
- View cones (using angles)
- Clear Fog (ie see through to background)
- See-through ground
- Works for both Orthographic and Perspective cameras
- Render to multiple cameras
- Save and load fog between plays
- Option for manual fog updates for turn-based games
- Flexible minimap creation
- Compatible with all devices, including mobile and VR
- All source code provided
- In active development and ready to support

Feel free to send an email for questions, queries, bug reports or feature requests!

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