Werewolf Mech

The Werewolf Mech is a 2-legged mech with sharp claws and a strong bite.

Try the Werewolf Mech WebPlayer Here

The model has the following 21 Animations:

Strafe Right and Left
Walk Forward and Backward
Turn Right and Left
Attack With Jaws
Hit From Front and Back
Die Backward and Forward
Right And Left Claw Attacks
Double Claw Attack
Downward Swipe
Start Leap
In Air
Leap Land

There are 6 full skins included: Sci-fi, Desert, Green Camo, Snow Camo, Red Black, and a Holloween themed skin.

A simple movement/animation script is included.

View the Werewolf Mech Turntable, Skin, and Animations Preview Video Here