Panic Button

Just press Shift+Esc and this plugin will stop any infinite loop and let you regain control of Unity instantly.

IMPORTANT: this plugin is not compatible with Unity 2018!

"Genius!" - David Helgason (Unity cofounder), on Twitter

You will also get a stacktrace of the precise location where the code was stuck, allowing you to debug it in no time!

✓ Protects C#, JavaScript and Boo scripts
✓ Protects scripts in DLLs
✓ Protects Game scripts & Editor scripts
✓ Unity 5 & 4.3 or higher
✓ Windows & Mac OS X
✓ Full source code included
✓ Even "while(true)" can't withstand this plugin
✓ Save time and don't lose your work

Before Panic Button, when a script was stuck in a loop, the Unity editor would freeze, so you would be unable to just stop the Play mode or to save your project.
You may even have lost tons of work by killing the Unity process!

Fortunately, these days are over.

Install the Panic Button, and now if a script is stuck in a loop, all you have to do is one simple thing:
Press Shift+Escape, then the script will be aborted and the game paused.
In less than a second, you are in control of Unity again.

Watch the video to see it in action!

You also get a stacktrace of the location where the script was struggling.
And of course, the hotkey combination is customizable in Edit > Panic Button Settings.

Oh, and one more thing!
You also have a watchdog that can abort your script automatically for you if it freezes for more than a few seconds (by default 30 s, but you can lower it in the settings if you want).
Made with ♥ by William Harel to help save time for Unity users.

Follow William: @willharel