KayKit - Platformer Pack (for Unity)
This pack includes 170+ unique (525 total models including recolors) stylised platformer assets, powerups, buttons/switches, obstacles, traps, and more! Perfect for making platformers, party games, mini games, obstacles courses and whatever else you can think of .
(You can check out the full contents in the sample images. Note that these are just example images and while every model pictured is included in this pack, the actual scenes are not.)
Most assets come in 4 colors (blue/red/yellow/green) ideal for making multiplayer gameplay, or varying up your level visuals. The remaining assets are found in the 'neutral' folder.
The conveyorbelts come with a seperate material and seamless thread(.png) texture, you can animate the UV offset in Unity to create a moving belt.
This pack, just like all the other KayKit packs, has been crafted with a lot of love and attention to detail.
This is the (for Unity)-version, a specialty version of this asset pack, made specifically for use in Unity that will save you valuable time in setting up the assets. You'll get: