Medical Pack - Low Poly 3D Models Pack

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▶️ ithappy presents ◀️

Medical Pack - Low Poly 3D Models Pack

▶️ Key Features ◀️

440 unique interactive 3D medical equipment models, divided into the following categories:

Medical Furniture, Laboratory, Diagnostic, Ophthalmology, Rehabilitation, Pediatrics, Dentistry, Surgery, Props, and more.

With these models, you can easily recreate medical wards, hospitals, clinics, and much more.

24 characters + 124 clothing items. The models include doctors, surgeons, nurses, infectiologists, patients, and EMTs (Emergency Medical Technicians). Characters come with separate clothing models that can be toggled on/off and customized to change their appearance. Includes 30 unique animations and is fully compatible with the Mixamo animation library, which features over 2600 unique animations.

Interactive models feature movable elements, allowing for dynamic and realistic interactions. Components such as arms, doors, drawers, and other mechanisms can rotate, open, and adjust, simulating real-life functionality. This makes the models ideal for creating immersive and engaging environments.

Optimized Models. Each model is designed with a limited number of textures, an optimized mesh, and simple shaders, ensuring smooth performance across mobile devices, VR/AR, PCs, and consoles. With these assets, your project will maintain excellent performance while delivering stunning visuals.

Regular updates and support. We aim to improve this package, add new resources, and constantly enhance its content.

▶️ Pack Content ◀️

Characters (x24)

Doctors, surgeons, nurses, infectiologists, EMTs, patients.

Assets for Characters (x124)

Includes lab coats, shirts, T-shirts, surgical scrubs, pants, caps, masks, protective goggles, respirators, medical slippers, boots, gloves, and more. Syringes, clipboards, and other tools for customization.

Equipment models (x440)

Interactive ambulances (x2)

Interior included

Diagnostics (x15)

Control Panel, Encephalograph, Mammograph, Radiograph, Tomograph, Ultrasound Machine

Laboratory (x14)

Biochemical Analyzer, Cellular Analyzer, Centrifuge, Flask, Hematology Analyzer, Immunoanalyzer, Microscope, Petri Dish, Probe Rack, Scales, Sterilizer, Test Tube Rack, Trash Biohazard

Rehabilitation (x7)

Crutch, Kinesotherapy Apparatus, Treadmill, Walker, Wheelchair

Monitors (x20)

Dual-Arm Mounted Monitor, Single-Arm Mounted Monitor, Dual Medical Monitors, Heart Rate Monitor, X-Ray Monitor (dual screen), Compact Vital Signs Monitor, Single X-Ray Monitor

Furniture (x124)

Basin Stand, Bath, Bed, Bed Table, Bench, Chair, Exam Stool, Exam Table, Hand Dryer, Handrail, Reception Desk, Scale, Screen, Shower Seat, Sink, Stand, Stretchers, Surgery Cart, Table, Toilet, Toilet Chair, Towel Dispenser, Trolley, Utility Cart, Utility Stool, Waste Bucket, Closet

Sterilizers and Disinfection Equipment (x10)

Autoclave, Disinfection Lamp, Ultraviolet Irradiator, Packaging Machine, Sterilizer, Chemical Sterilizer

Ophthalmology (x11): Autorefractometer, Laser Vision Correction, Microscope, Ophthalmology Chair, Ophthalmology Table, Tonopachymeter, Trolley

Pediatrics (x10)

Bassinette, Infant Scale, Infant Warmer, Pediatric Table, Changing Table

Life Support Equipment (x9)

Defibrillator, Heart Massager, Incubator, Life Support, Nebulizer, Oxygen Concentrator, Oxygen Tanks, Ventilator

Infusion and Transfusion Equipment (x4)

Hemodialysis Machine, Infusion Pump, IV Drip

Cosmetology (x13)

Cosmetic Cart, Cosmetic Chair, Cosmetic Combine, Cosmetic Laser, Phototherapy Device, Cosmetic Device

Gynecology (x4)

Aspirator, Colposcope, Colposcope Stand, Gynecological Chair

Dentistry (x18)

Dental Equipment, Dental Stool, Dental X-Ray, Dentist Chair

Props (x92)

Aid Kit, Bandage, Bone Saw, Bottle, Bowl, Box, Caution Sign, Clock, Computer, Copybook, Dental Explorer, Dental Mirror, Mask Box, Medical Models, Mouse, Neuro Hammer, Otoscope, PC Monitor, Poster, Prosthetic Arm, Prosthetic Leg, Sanitizer, Scalpel, Scissors, Signal Door, Skin Microscope, Sterilizer Drum, Stethoscope, Syringe, Thermometer, Tray, Wall Panel

Surgery (x92)

Laparoscopic Stand, Radiosurgery Machine, Surgical Light, Surgery Aspirator, Surgery Machine, Surgical Laser, Surgical Table.

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