Robot Shooter 3D - Game Template OFFICIAL SALE

🚀 Robot Shooter 3D 🔫
Move, shoot, and survive! Choose between a pistol or shotgun, blow up barrels, and dodge deadly mines.

📂 Project Highlights:

  • 🎥 Animations: 3 unique player animations.
  • 🖼️ Models: 10 detailed FBX 3D models.
  • 🎨 Art Assets: 59 customizable materials, 3 PNG sprites.
  • 🧩 Prefabs: 40 versatile, ready-to-use prefabs.
  • 🌍 Scenes: 1 fully immersive 3D scene.
  • 💻 Scripts: 38 clean and organized scripts for smooth gameplay.

🎮 Customization: Easily adapt assets or create new ones to expand gameplay.

📧 Support: For help, contact