8Direction Animated Animals mega pack - Over 50 Top-Down pixel 2D Animals OFFICIAL SALE

All Animals are Animated in 8 Directions!

Spritesheets are included for all Animals. The sprites are 64x64 for smaller animals and up to 128x128 for larger animals.

Each character have variations of the following animations in 8 directions:


  • Idle
  • Die
  • Take damage
  • Walk
  • Run


  • Attack1
  • Attack2
  • Attack3
  • Attack4


  • Taunt

And more...

The following Animals are included:

  1. Alpacha
  2. antilope
  3. Arabian horse
  4. Bison
  5. Boar
  6. Brown Bear
  7. Brown Horse
  8. Bull
  9. Camel
  10. Cat Black
  11. Cat Large
  12. Cat Orange
  13. Cat White
  14. Chicken
  15. Chimp
  16. Cow
  17. Cow brown
  18. Crocodile
  19. Deer
  20. Donkey
  21. Elephant
  22. Elephant female
  23. ELITE Wolf
  24. Giraffe
  25. Golden Retriever
  26. Grey Wolf
  27. Grizzly
  28. Hayena
  29. Hippo
  30. Husky
  31. Jaguar
  32. Jak
  33. Lama
  34. Lion
  35. Lioness
  36. Mammoth
  37. Monkey
  38. Oryx
  39. Ostrich
  40. Pig
  41. Pinguin
  42. Polar Bear
  43. Ram
  44. Rhino
  45. Rhino Female
  46. Sheep
  47. Shepherd Dog
  48. Stag
  49. Tiger
  50. Toirtois
  51. Turtle
  52. Water buffalo
  53. White Tiger
  54. Wolf
  55. Work Horse
  56. Zebra

The asset also includes a Example scene with a map, an example animator controller for each character and some ui Elements.

The example scene is mainly meant for demonstration purposes and is not completly game ready. No sound is included.

Each animation has 15 frames.