LOFI: Retro Shader for URP

LOFI is an all-in-one retro-stylized shader for Universal Render Pipeline.

Main Features:

  • Texture-based lighting,
  • Pixel-perfect shadows,
  • Stylization options (Dithering, Vertex Snapping, Posterization and more...),
  • Additional lights support.

LOFI comprises 30+ parameters grouped into 5 categories to help you achive the unique look:

  • Textures;
  • Stylization;
  • Shading;
  • Fresnel;
  • Emission.

LOFI comes with 3 demo scenes and a complete user guide to get you started.

Check out my other assets:

Comix | Comics Shader

EasyConsole | In-Game Debug Console

Dynamic Pie | Radial Menu