Decalery is a mesh-based decal system from the creator of Bakery.
It lets you imprint a decal of any shape on a mesh of any other shape. The resulting geometry is just a simple alpha-blended mesh, so decals can be easily rendered on any platform or render pipeline without additional overhead (apart from regular overdraw).
Decalery includes two separate decal generation systems, one for in-editor level design, and another for in-game runtime creation.
Discussion thread
- Decals and receivers of any geometric shape.
- Lit and lightmapped decals. Decalery supports both built-in and Bakery lightmaps (including SH, MonoSH and Volumes).
- Deformable decals on skinned meshes.
- Decal shaders (mitigating Z-fighting and more) for URP, HDRP and the built-in render pipeline.
- A variety of techniques for runtime decal spawning.
- Trail-like runtime decals for e.g. skidmarks.