This gigantic metal material pack has more than double the number of materials than our Vol 1 collection. These materials are perfect for realistic metal or shiny objects, walls, floors, paths, 3d models, 2d sprites, UI elements, terrains, particles, and more!
Materials Include: Realistic-looking and shiny metal textures and patterns:
Have a look at the video above to see all 776 Metallic materials.
Each material comes with the following texture maps:
1. Base Color
2. Normal
3. Displacement
4. Specularity
5. Ambient Occulusion
*Note: These textures are already setup out-of-the-box with each of the 14 types of materials.
Each Material Includes 14 Different Versions (Totaling 10,864 Material Files): 14 different types of materials are included to work with any type of project that you might work on, from low-end mobile apps to high-end PC games.
For these metal materials, Specular (#2, #8, #13) and Metallic (#3, #9, #14) are the recommended materials to use.
Metallic gives the most realistic-looking metal materials, while Specular makes the metal materials look extra shiny. The video above shows how each of the 776 Metallic materials look, and you could always switch to Specular materials or any of the other types to get a completely different look.
Built-in Render Pipeline
1. Standard (Mobile/PC)
2. Standard Specular (Mobile/PC)
3. Standard Metallic (Mobile/PC)
4. Bumped Diffuse (Low-End Mobile)
5. Bumped Specular (Low-End Mobile)
6. Diffuse (Low-End Mobile)
7. Lit (Mobile/PC)
8. Lit Specular (Mobile/PC)
9. Lit Metallic (Mobile/PC)
10. Simple Lit (Low-End Mobile)
11. Unlit (Low-End Mobile)
12. Lit (High-End PC)
13. Lit Specular (High-End PC)
14. Lit Metallic (High-End PC)
Post-processing for Demo scene is setup out-of-the-box for:
1. Built-in Render Pipeline
2. URP
Demo Scene: In the Demo scene, there is a sample room for each of the 14 types of materials that automatically rotates through each of the 776 materials, allowing you to efficiently browse through each type.
Documentation: Detailed documentation is included that covers how to easily view materials in Demo scene.
Support: Please email if you have any questions or comments.