Armored Beetle
The model has 3 sets of different textures. 3 weapon texture packs. 2 sets of animations.
1 set of monster animations;
4x attacks
1x Dying
2x idle
1x Left_Walking
1x rage
1x React
1x Right_Walking
1x Walk
1x Walk_Back
2 set of animations for the rifle;
6x attacks
1x backwards_Walk
1x Dying
1x hit
2x idle
2x run
1x Left_Walking
1x Right_Walking
1x Walk
Texture set is suitable for all rendering pipelines (Built-in, URP, HDRP) all materials use standard settings.
The set of texture maps itself looks like this: T_AlbedoTransparency, T_SpecularSmoothness, T_Normal, T_Occlusion.
3 recruitment of unique textures
recruitment of animation;
3x attack
2x Death
2x hit
2x idle
2x rage
1x Left_Walking
1x Right_Walking
1x run
1x Walk_Back
1x Walking
There are 4 types of sets of unique textures in the character
Armored Beetle 03
Texture set is suitable for all rendering pipelines (Built-in, URP, HDRP) all materials use standard settings.
The set of texture maps itself looks like this: T_AlbedoTransparency, T_SpecularSmoothness, T_Normal, T_Occlusion.
3 recruitment of unique textures
recruitment of animation;
4x attack
1x Death
1x hit
2x idle
1x rage
1x Left_Walking
1x Right_Walking
1x Walk_Back
1x Walking
Armored Beetle 5
Texture set is suitable for all rendering pipelines (Built-in, URP, HDRP) all materials use standard settings.
The set of texture maps itself looks like this: T_AlbedoTransparency, T_SpecularSmoothness, T_Normal, T_Occlusion.
4 recruitment of unique textures
recruitment of animation;
2x attack
3x idle
1x block
1x death
3x run
2x Transition
2 x walking attack
4x walking
5x attack
1x death
2x idle
1x Impact
1x run
4x walking
3x attack
1x death
2x hit
2x idle
2x rage
1x run
4x walking