Shots VFX - URP

A brand new High Quality Shots VFX pack to use for your projects! Compatible with URP <3

Different materials to shoot, impacts, squibs, muzzle flashes for different weapons, sounds...

A nice little extra flavour with some example prop destruction VFX! (although it's definitely just a preview for demo purposes, we don't know what assets you'll be destroying on your game, so take those as a brief example hehehe)

Includes Sound Effects too!

And a bit of blood too.

Video Preview:

Beware, there’s no actual funcionality or game logic inside the pack, it’s an art based pack for you to use with your own game logic, so stuff like missiles being shot, travelling, exploding and hurting a target is something each user will do on their own based on the needs of their project, as it’s impossible for us to code anything else than just some thing functional for demo purposes, taking into account that we can’t know each user’s needs nor project game logic to hook those behaviours up.

The pack is pretty simple to grasp, but if you’ve got any other questions, contact us.