Variant Studio XL - Configurator for Unity

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Whether you're looking for an alternative to Prefab/Material Variants or Editor Presets, Variant Studio XL streamlines the process, allowing you to create and manage variations effortlessly. Skip the headache of writing a script for every little detail.

Our tool helps you cut down on repetitive work and spend more time fine-tuning what really matters in your project. Easily set up and manage Prefabs, Components, and Objects variants in Unity.

Meshes, materials, and references of any kind can be swapped out, environment lighting changed, prefabs instantiated, audio clips played, Unity events triggered, and component values tweaked on the fly. VARIANT ANYTHING !!!

Variant Studio XL is built to be Flexible. It lets you break down your data into parts you can reuse, which makes it easier for teams to work together.

Configurations can be applied to children or other instances in a scene. Variant targets can be resolved at runtime using specific tags, IDs, or types and can be extended for custom needs.

Whether you're making Games, working on Industrial Projects, building things like Product Configurators for online stores, or tackling other creative tasks, our versatile tool opens up all sorts of options for you. No coding required!

⚒️ Core Features

  • Configure GameObjects and Scenes across all scales, in both Editor and Runtime
  • Auto-Capture any component variables and shader properties (string, bool, int, float, AnimationCurve, Color, Gradient, etc.)
  • Suitable for a wide range of applications (e.g., character/game skinning, UI menu, environment/scene presets, day/night lighting, action cues, product configurator, etc.)
  • Modular data management mixing Components and Scriptable Objects
  • Variant and VariantSet Availabilities
  • Tween between configurations/presets or animate using the Unity Timeline
  • Automatic Thumbnail Generation for Variants and Variant Sets
  • Localization (MetaSets)
  • Supports Custom Property Scripts & UI, and Third-party Plugins
  • Editor Undo/Redo
  • Full C# Source Code
  • Regular updates and support

🧰 Compatibility

  • Works in Editor and Runtime
  • Works on All Platforms and All Render Pipelines
  • Works on IL2CPP and Mono scripting backend
  • Supported on Unity 2021.x and Above (Unity 6 ready)

🎉 Third Party Extensions

  • FEEL: property change detection & scripts (play, stop, set variables, etc.)
  • DOTween: context/configuration tweening & property scripts
  • Playmaker: FSM context & configuration actions, Get/Set (variables, events, states).
  • Visual Effect Graph: property change detection & scripts (play, stop, set bool, float, string, etc.)
  • Post Processing: property change detection & scripts (set values, objects, etc.)

📦 Demos Included

  • Bedroom (Built-in, URP and HDRP)
  • Weapon Switching (URP)
  • Customizable skateboard (URP) WebGL Skate Demo
  • Instantiate & Resolve targets (URP)
  • Timeline Transition & Tweening (URP)
  • Variant Zone Triggers (URP)
  • Create Context at Runtime (URP)

If you have any question, please join our Discord Server or send us an Email.