Male 6

Technical details

faces: 18990, tris 27613, verts 24128

Textures pack map 4096x4096 and 2048x2048

Man - 6, is a A low-poly character in A cool jacket, a cowboy hat and a shoulder bag. The character is fully modular and equipped with Humanoid skeleton.

Character rig, works with humanoid rig Unity. You can easily use any animations that are available in the Unity Asset Store

This character is modular and it is compatible with "Male" , "Male 2", "Male 3", "Male 4", "Male 5". You can buy all these kits and easily apply clothes and accessories to different characters.

Compatible with:


Male 2

Male 3

Male 4

Male 5

All parts of the kit are modular, and are presented separately. I've put together 4 basic sets for you, but you can put together a lot more by combining different parts with each other and different textures!

Individual details: Bag, Beard, Cowboy boots, just boots, cap, cowboy hat, glasses, hands, two heads, jacket, jeans, sneakers. There is also a wide variety of textures!

PBR textures.





If you have any questions and suggestions, please email me -