Better Rule Tiles

Better Rule Tiles for Unity was made to make the hassle of creating rule tiles better, easier and more intuitive that Unity’s built in solution, while also adding more features which would require you to code them yourself.

  • Draw in all the tile placement possibilities into a single grid, no need to set rules by hand
  • Edit multiple tiles on one grid, and save them into a single asset for better file organization.
  • Includes more rules than the default rule tile, which enables different tiles to interact with each other on the tilemap.
  • Automatically orders the rules for you, so one rule will not override the rest accidentally.
  • Adding extended neighbors to a tile takes significantly less time.
  • Easily create sloped and other variations of a tile.
  • Create patterns
  • Create preset blocks for more complicated shapes
  • Quickly create new tiles if you’ve already set one up prior.
  • Supports square, isometric and hexagonal grids as well.