MYTHICAL // Fantasy Music Bundle

Specially designed for game developers, this breathtaking music provides the perfect auditory backdrop to your fantasy worlds. This massive collection includes three assets, totaling 66 songs with a combined playtime of over 150 minutes. This imaginative music is versatile and suitable for all fantasy projects.

This Music bundle includes:

Fantasy Music Pack DEMO-Youtube

Dark Rituals DEMO-Youtube

Vortexia DEMO-Youtube

You get royalty-free music that you can use in your game or movie project.


Themes, Ambients & Loops

Danger situation


Fanfare 01

Fanfare 02

Harp music

Journey theme

Land of elves

Normal life

Over the mountains

Peaceufl moment

The horde is coming


East warrior

Map view

Prepare for battle

Shop menu



DARK RITUAL - Tracklist:

Themes & Loops

Awakening of Darkness

Black Magic

Dark Rituals

Lost in the Darkness

Opening the spirit World

Shadow Dance

Silent Ritual

Summoning the Dead

The Curse

The End is Near

The End of the Journey

The Pact

The Sacrifice

VORTEXIA - Tracklist:

Themes & Loops

Decayed Halls

Mystic Elven Pursuit

Elven Enchantment

Enshrouded Ruins

Forest Kingdom

Harmony of the Realms

Majestic Canopy

Pulse of Power

Racing Against Time

Whispers of the Ruins

Eternal Woodland Realm

Forgotten Tombs

Gloomy Catacombs

Realm of Eternity

Sword and Sorcery

The Battle Begins