Fog Card

The Fog Card is a shader meant to be used as a distant fog billboard when you want mist or fog visible from afar at specific locations at a low fps cost. It displays on a simple quad or plane and can be customized in shader graph if needed.

The features include dual layers, using simple or gradient noise or texture channels per layer as well as speed, tiling, rotation and contrast settings.

You also have depth fog, border fading/fuzzy border, base color and tint, proximity fading, simple bump/vertex displacement and modules for adapting to directional light when using the unlit version, to simulate the time of day.

The last module is of course not needed if you use the Lit version, but the Lit version may not always be what you want to use.

31 noise textures for fog/mist/cloud use cases.

Now also includes VFXClouds, a simple VFX Graph effect for distant clouds or mist used in an arc or even full circle. Uses cases are, both as standalone or as complement to Fog Cards, for example around mountain tops or mist around an island.