
🎁OUR DISCORD 🎁 - we have a lot of interesting things there

This pack contains 6 characters, (a total of at least 9 versions of the type of character). each character has 3 skin versions

All characters have custom skeleton (Images Included)

SciFi Beast01 Ghoul Link Page Youtube

SciFi Beast02 Wasp Link Page Youtube

SciFi Beast03 Vulture Link Page Youtube

SciFi Beast04 WhaleSnake Link Page Youtube

SciFi Beast05 T-Rex Link Page Youtube

SciFi Beast06 Bull Link Page Youtube

SciFi Beast01 Ghoul

-Separate Versions (Full Modify, Only Body, WithRocketLaunch, WithClaws)

-3 skin.

-24 animation included

Attack = 6

LaunchRockets = 2

Walk = 5 (F + L + R+ B + F2)

Run = 1

Turn180 = 1

Idle - 2

GetHit - 4

Death - 2

Jump - 1

Only Character:

Triangles: 77 512

Vertices: 42 160


Triangles: 6676

Vertices: 3644


Triangles: 38 704

Vertices: 19 672

SciFi Beast02 Wasp

-3 skin.

-22 animation included

Attack = 8

Flying = 4 (F + L + R+ B)

Turn180 = 1

Idle - 2

GetHit - 5

Death - 2

Full modify Character:

Triangles: 59 578

Vertices: 39 338

SciFi Beast03 Vulture

-3 skin.

-37 animation included

(20 Flying and 17 ground anim)

Attack = 8 (4 Flying + 4 Ground)

Walk = 4 (F + L + R+ B)

Flying = 7

Run = 1

Turn180 = 1

Idle - 4

GetHit - 10 (6 Flying + 4 Ground)

Death - 3


Triangles: 95 775

Vertices: 64 075

SciFi Beast04 WhaleSnake

-3 skin.

-20 animation included

Attack = 5 + 2 Shoot anim

Swim 3 (F, L, R)

Turn180 = 1

Idle - 2

GetHit - 4

Death - 2

Rage - 1


Triangles: 63 341

Vertices: 40 556

SciFi Beast05 T-Rex

-3 skin.

-25 animation included

Attack - 6

Walk - 4 (F, L, R, B)

Run - 1

Turn180 = 1

Idle - 2

GetHit - 8

Death - 2

Rage - 1


Triangles: 72 027

Vertices: 47 025

SciFi Beast06 Bull

-3 skin.

-29 animation included

Attack - 6

Walk - 4 (F, L, R, B) (F2)

Run - 1

Turn180 = 1

Idle - 2

GetHit - 8

Death - 2

Rage - 1

Jump - 3


Triangles: 87 597

Vertices: 55 800