RPG/FPS Game Assets for PC/Mobile (Set v9.0)

Android Benchmark by Zelko


PC Demo build v6 map

Google Drive

PC Demo build v7 map

Google Drive

PC Demo build v8 map

Google Drive

News, support, updates


This package also include all assets from previous packages:

v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8

And some of the content from the urban pack v1

Whats new in the 9.0 pack?

New 1 Demo map

About 300 new prefabs

House_Parts (22 prefabs, 1 - 4k texture)

House_Kit_v1 (9 prefabs, 1 - 4k texture)

Furniture_set_v1 (7 prefabs, 1 - 4k texture)

Furniture_set_v2 (151 prefabs, 4 sets - 4k textures)

Bridge_v1 (4 prefabs, 1 - 4k texture)

Bridge_v2 (6 prefabs, 1 - 4k texture)

Haystack_v1 (9 prefabs, 1 - 4k texture, 1 - 1k texture)

House_Kit_v1 (9 prefabs, customizable)

Lighthouse_v1 (1 prefabs, 1 - 4k texture)

Old_boat_v1 (3 prefabs, 1 - 2k texture, Anim and RockingBoat script)

Pier_set_v1 (9 prefabs, 1 - 4k texture, customizabl)

Pointer_plate_v1 (19 prefabs, 1 - 4k texture)

Small_House_Kit_v1 (2 prefabs, 1 - 4k texture)

Windmill_v1 (7 prefabs, 1 - 4k texture)

Wood_fence_v1 (27 prefabs, 6 - 4k texture)

Wood_log_v1 (4 prefabs, 1 - 2k texture)

Bush_v2 (4 prefabs, 4 sets - 4k textures)

Cypress_v2 (2 prefabs, 4 sets - 4k textures)

Oak_Tree_v1 (3 prefabs, 4 sets - 4k textures)







!!! Cucumber_v1 !!!

See the Screenshots and videos for more details :)

All prefabs have the correct orientation

Position/rotation - Set to 0

Scale of all prefabs - Set to 1


Over 1200 prefabs for fast create your own RPG/FPS level for PC or Mobile platform.(ready for mobile)

9 Demo scene about 70 000 - 700 000 triangles.(ready for mobile)

Map Generator script

Not included:


Player hands

For best batching, use "Mesh Baker"

If you have any wishes and suggestions please contact me.

Use and Enjoy :)