Grass Mobile Shader - URP

📌 There is support for combinations of multiple GrassManager on the same scene.

📌 When used correctly, grass will have little effect on reducing the performance of your game.

📌 Grass reacts to all types of light sources and shadows.


  • Easy to use;
  • Customizable;
  • Fast algorithm;
  • Masking support;
  • Support for using the height map;
  • A ready-made set of 7 masks;
  • Managing settings from scripts.

⚠️ Asset works on versions up to 2022.3.4f1 inclusive.

❌ Vulkan

✅ OpenGLES3+

❌ WebGL

❌ Oculus Quest 2

📄 Documentation.pdf

📌 The shader works on most Android devices, but there are exceptions. You can check if your device supports grass by downloading the demo application.

🎮 DemoApp.apk

📌 The shader works on a PC without problems, since it was designed for phones, it outperforms shaders designed primarily for PCs in terms of performance.

🎮 DemoApp.exe