Hey Terrain Toolbox

Hey Terrain Toolbox is a useful and handy package for Unity that offers many features for working with Terrain objects. (Demo)

You can use this package to:

  • Backup or restore the properties of a Terrain with the Backupper tool.
  • Change Terrain Heightmap Resolution or Height without Resizing Terrain with the Resizer tool.
  • Create a heightmap of a Terrain or other objects in the scene with the Scanner tool.
  • Apply an heightmap to part or all of a Terrain with the Printer tool.
  • Export a Terrain as an obj file with the Mesher tool.
  • Generate a heightmap of a Terrain using noise algorithms with the Generator tool.
  • Spawn random objects or swap hundreds of objects in the scene or on the Terrain Tree Instances with the Object Spawner and Object Swapper tools. (New: Export Trees)
  • Merge, stitch or split a Terrain with the Merger and Splitter tools.

Please Note: To view the demo content, you can download it as a package from GitHub and import it directly into your project: Download Demo

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