Pre-Rendered ARPG Animal Pack

Sprites created using RetroRender

Featured Animals

🐻 Bears 🐻

🦅 Birds 🦅 (2 Variants)

😺 Cats 😺 (2 Variants)

🐔 Chicken 🐔

🐄 Cows 🐄 (2 Variants)

🦌 Deer 🦌 (2 Variants)

🐶 Dogs 🐶

🐎 Horses 🐎

Includes over 40 animal renders in total!

Directional Billboard Shader

With the included directional billboard shader animal sprites rotate and adapt to the camera's perspective, just like in classic RPGs.

Expand and Customize

This asset pack not only provides pre-made animal animations and sprites but also includes the models used to create them, allowing you to create additional animations tailored to your specific needs.