Muscle Car Sounds – Premium Engine Sound Pack for Racing and Open World Games.
Muscle Car Engine Sounds is a high-quality pack of engine sounds specifically created for various american muscle cars. This pack is ideal for any racing or open-world game, delivering game-ready sound files that are seamlessly looped for smooth integration. Most sound clips are generated in a professional DAW to ensure top-notch quality.
This asset is designed as an add-on for the Realistic Engine Sounds 2 (RES2) asset, it may not sound the same with other engine sound controller assets. Prefabs for RES2 are included in a .unitypackage file.
Note: The Muscle Car Sounds pack is not included in any edition of RES2, it is an independent add-on.
Get RES2 [any editions] here: Realistic Engine Sounds 2
Documentation available here: Documentation.pdf
There are 240 Wav audio files in this package.
List of all engine sound packs that comes with this asset:
Each engine sound pack includes 40 wav files (20 for exterior and 20 for interior camera view), giving you flexibility for immersive audio design.
Important: If upgrading from an older version, please back up your project, delete the previous version, and then import the new asset version. Re-add all Muscle Car Engine Sounds prefabs to your vehicles.
Can't find the sound pack you're looking for? Send your own recordings to me and I will turn them into a complete engine sound pack.
If you have any suggestions or encounter any issues with the asset, please feel free to contact me via Email, Facebook, or by filling out the contact form on my website.
May not be available to respond to messages during weekends and holidays.