This asset lets you input Gradients in the Shader and material inspector directly fast, easily and of course user-friendly! 🎉Change your gradients to your desire🎉 - without any complications!
🔨 Step-by-Step guide 🔨
- Open your Shader of choice.
- Add CustomEditor "GradientShaderEditor" to the end of the shader.
- Open your Shader Graph of choice.
- Open the "Graph Inspector" on the top right of the window.
- Select the "Graph Settings" tab in the newly opened Graph Inspector window.
- Under the property called "Custom Editor GUI" add GradientShaderEditor
🔨To create a new Gradient (both Built-In & URP/HDRP)
- Create a new Texture2D property.
- Under the "Reference" name include "GradientTexture" anywhere in the name.
- Save the shader and you're done! 🎉
🔍Configuration 🔍
- Open the "Gradient Shader Editor" script.
- Configure to your liking:
- "regex" - naming convention (what the "reference" of a gradient should include)
- "resolution" - resolution of the generated texture for each gradient