Survival Series - Tools and Weapons

"Can modern man survive in the wilderness without the use of modern technology?"

Some time ago I asked myself this question and the answer is obviously yes, but how?

Wandering around the web to find an answer I came across some youtube channels of men who from nothing create tools, grow food and build homes solely with what nature has to offer.

So I decided to start a survival pack series representing all aspects of a man living in nature.

Tools, more or less sophisticated shelters, evolution with iron, farming, etc.

If you plan to build a survival videogame, with crafting and evolution of tools and buildings this series is for you.

What are you waiting for?!

Awaken the wild man inside you and embrace nature by becoming one with it!


In this pack you will find more than 40 tools and weapons that you can use in your survival game.

The bow and crossbow are rigged and with simple animations

Here you will find the evolution of the stone tool into the more efficient metal one along with another group of tools useful for survival in the wilderness.

All items can be produced with only tools provided by nature so as to keep the survival aspect consistent in non-civilized places.

Thanks for your attention and support!