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Distant Lands presents:
Illustrate: Stylized Toon Shader
Embark on an artistic journey like no other with a new toon shader designed with creators in mind. Illustrate is the ultimate solution for artists and game developers seeking a distinct and mesmerizing visual style. Seamlessly integrating into your existing workflow, this powerful toon shader empowers you to effortlessly transform your 3D models, characters, and environments into breathtaking works of art.
📣Key Features:📣
🎨Targeted Visual Styles:🎨
🛠Extensive Toolbox🛠
⚙Shader Features:⚙
✅ Color Variation
✅ HSV Adjustments
✅ Color Posterization
✅ Modify Normals at Runtime
✅ Lighting Ramps
✅ Colorize Lights and Shadows
✅ Posterize Light
✅ Custom Specular
✅ Rim Lighting
✅ Gradient Shading
✅ Halftone Shading
✅ Emission
✅ Hatching and Texture Noise
✅ Adjustable Framerate
✅ Fluttering Vertex Offset
✅ Swirling Vertex Offset
✅ Swaying Vertex Offset
✅ Waving Vertex Offset
✅ Adjustable Outline
🤔Have a Question or Concern?🤔
Reach out to us! We'd love to help you out!