2D Inferno pack | Hell environment collection | Inferno mega bundle

👹 This bundle offers everything you need to create an immersive and visually stunning inferno-themed game! 👹

Package includes:

  • 5 Horizontally tileable backgrounds
  • 5 Additional backgrounds elements
  • 5 Barrels
  • 10 Demonic Keys (animated)
  • 5 Demonic Lanterns (animated)
  • 3 Diamonds (animated)
  • 10 Hell Coins (animated)
  • 5 Hell Plants (animated)
  • 10 Inferno Boxes
  • 5 Vertically tileable ladders
  • 2 Particle VFX
  • 5 Spikes Traps
  • 1 Demon Statue
  • 5 Inferno Trees (animated)
  • Tiles for tilemap
  • Simple camera movement script

All animated assets are efficiently packed into spritesheets (where necessary), ensuring optimal game performance. All tiles, backgrounds and ladders are horizontally adjustable, allowing seamless customization to any desired size.

༼ つ◕_◕ ༽つ Good luck on your game development journey! ༼ つ◕_◕ ༽つ