Runtime GI Probes is a full-screen image effect that adds global illumination to your scene by capturing the scene’s illumination anywhere a GI Probe is placed. Runtime GI Probes works independently from Unity’s built-in lighting and GI Probe solution.

Demo | Documentation


  • Fast GI Baking. Can take seconds bake on mid to high end PCs.
  • Debugging options for visualizing lightmaps.
  • Supports VR multi-pass and single-pass rendering.
  • GI probes are simple to create and move like any other game object.
  • Supports perspective and orthographic cameras.
  • Bounding Boxes for controlling where and how strong the GI is. Simple to move and scale like any other game object.
  • Can support many cameras and can customize how each camera sees the GI.
  • Compatible with other post processing effects.
  • C# functions for manipulating lighting in real-time.
  • Includes a Demo scene and PDF Documentation.


  • Unity 2021.3 or later.
  • Built for URP only.
  • Only opaque / alpha cutout materials receive global illumination.
  • Does not replace real-time lighting and shadows / requires URP’s SSAO or Deferred Rendering to be enabled. Therefore, it is not recommended for older mobile devices or Quest 2 standalone. Although, it is possible to run on modern mobile devices that support Vulkan at lower settings.