Sci-Fi Cyber UI Pack


◆ 2 thems include

This asset inlcude 2 theme demo scenes:Sci-fi Cyan and Sci-fi Cyber Purple.You can freely choose one of the two themes to meet your project needs.

◆ Complete demo scenes

The Unity demo scenes include all complete UI canvases. Each canvas contains static UI elements, button click status (normal, highlighted, clicked), progress bar,checkbox,switch,radio,slider,rotation animations...

◆ Individual Prefabs include

Prefabs for individual elements were ready.You just need to drag and drop these prefabs into your project scene to create your game UI from scratch.

◆ Easily customizable size

Each png has been set with 9-slices, and the size of the elements can be changed freely in the "Rect Tool" mode without affecting the appearance of the surrounding borders.

◆ PSD source files include

All layered PSD files are provided to meet your advanced customization needs.

◆ Irregular updates

We will update this asset package based on customer needs to make it a more comprehensive UI package for sci-fi games.

◆ Used TextMesh Pro

To display all texts in the scene in higher definition at any size, it is recommended to use TextMesh Pro.

◆ Animations

Used to display the rotation and flickering effects of some UI elements.


● Textures: 1000+ png textures(from 128px*128px to 2560px*1440px)

● Prefabs: 320 prefabs for individual elements

● Scene: 2 Demo Scene (15 canvas)

● SourceFiles: 50+ editable psd files

● Scripts: 8 clean scripts

More Assets: D.F.Y. STUDIO

If you have any questions or have better suggestions about this asset, please contact us immediately.Thanks.