- 6400+ audio files
- Provided in 16 bit 44.1kHz WAV format
- Recorded using neutral sounding sneakers/trainers
- Includes a wide variety of materials
- Includes multiple footstep strengths for most materials
- Scuffs are included for most materials, as well as "Lifts" for some materials
- "One shot" and "multi" audio files provided for flexibility
- Several variants are provided for most sounds, to avoid commonly triggered sound from seeming repetitive
- All files are metadata-tagged, allowing for easy searching in sound library management tools
- UCS compliant file naming
- Available for commercial or personal use without attribution
Included materials:
- Asphalt
- Brick
- Carpet
- Concrete
- Dirt
- Glass
- Grass
- Gravel
- Metal
- Sand
- Snow
- Water
- Wood
- and more!
View a summary of included files here
View a full list of included files here