ARPG Project

The ARPG Project is a pre-made example that provides a starting point for creating an old-school action RPG game. It offers implementations for combat, inventory, stats, and more using C# and built-in Unity tools.


  • Mobile Support;
  • Humanoid Rig Support;
  • 3D Character Movement;
  • Enemy AI;
  • Save/Load (Binary, JSON, or PlayerPrefs);
  • Stats Point Distribution;
  • Combo System (3 attacks);
  • Blocking and Stun;
  • Health and Mana System;
  • Skill System w/ Cool Down;
  • Cast, Attack, and Summoning Skills;
  • Stash System (Store Items);
  • Minimap & Icons;
  • Level & Experience Progression;
  • Inventory System;
  • Dynamic Items’ Attributes;
  • Items’ Durability;
  • Damage Based on Stats;
  • Defense Based on Stats;
  • Weapons (Blades & Bows);
  • Armor System (change appearance);
  • Consumable Items;
  • Collectible Items (Loot & Drops);
  • Destructible Objects;
  • Quest System & Rewards;
  • Buy or Sell Items (Merchant);
  • Repair Items (Blacksmith);
  • 3D Camera (Zoom and Rotate);
  • Waypoints (Flash Travel).


  • Cinemachine;
  • New Input System;
  • Post Processing;
  • Shader Graph.

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