2D Farm Game Interior Tileset

Farm Game Interior Tileset!

Looking for the best pixel art asset pack? Look no further! This pixel art asset pack is packed with everything you need to create stunning 2D games!

Asset Content:

  • Interior tileset!
  • 4 seasons! (Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter)
  • 3 Character Sprites!
  • 2 Knight Sprites!
  • 36 Item Icons!
  • 8 Animated Crystals!
  • 9 Animated Treasure Chests!

Tileset Content:

  • Interior tileset!
  • 1200+ tiles total tiles!
  • Multiple ground tiles!
  • Multiple wall tiles!
  • Multiple carpets!
  • Wood Boxes!
  • Flags!
  • Vases!
  • Wardrobes!
  • Cabinets!
  • Stairs!
  • Doors!
  • Treasure Chest!
  • Lots of props to create your Interiors!

Characters Animations:

  • 4 Direction Sprites
  • Idle Animation
  • Walk Animation
  • Sword Animation
  • Axe Animation
  • Pickaxe Animation
  • Hoe Animation
  • Watering Can Animation
  • Dead Animation

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Please don't forget to review and provide us with your feedback on this package, that would really help us improve our work! :)