- Biped Character
- Proto Male Character
- Body and head meshes
- 4 body mesh variations
- 2 head mesh variations
- 1 beard and glasses mesh
76 Biped Mecanin Animation Clips for general use purposes.
Extra +27 clips with root motion support.
The set of animations uses the humanoid animation system, which makes them reusable with your own characters. Click Here for animation requests and feedback.
- Idles and Reactions
- Idle_Standing
- Idle_LookAround
- Idle_Crounching
- Stand_To_Crouch
- Crouch_To_Stand
- Kick(left, right)
- Attack 01(punch, kick)(left, right)
- Attack 02(punch 01, punch 02, combo)(left, right)
- Wave(left, right)
- Grab (left, right, top left. top right)
- Pick Item(in, loop, out)(left, right)
- Death
- Dance
- Celebrate
- Hit(forward, left, right)
- Hit_Strong
- Laugh
- Laugh_Point
- Talk
- Locomotion ( in-place and rootmotion)
- Walk (left, right, forward, back)
- Crouch(left, right, forward, back)
- Jogg (left, right, forward, back)
- Sprint (left, right, forward, back)
- Jump( stand, left, right, forward, back, 2 in-air loops)
- Dash (left, right, forward, back)
Visualizer Scene