Dining table set Vol 1 - URP

Eight different dining table set in URP. Eight types of chair and table. All have individual mesh colliders. Created in real world scale. Inside out brings to you highly detailed and optimized assets.

All is in URP, ready to be used for any project and platform.

AR, VR, Android, IOS, PC, many more.

All maps albedo, normal, roughness, smoothness, aoc, metallic and height are perfectly created with love and care and optimized for all platforms.

Please rate if it is help full and do share your comments. This encrouages me to create more assets.

Technical details

Number of textures - 102

Texture dimensions - 4096x4096

Number of Meshes - 34

Number of Prefabs - 25

Collider - Yes

Rigging - No

UV mapping - Yes

Types of materials and texture maps - PBR

Unity units scale: Yes

URP - Yes

Triangle count - Ranges from lowest 92 to highest 6k 

Texture Maps







Ambient Occlusion