Wasmbox is a general purpose WebAssembly runtime. Using Wasmbox it's possible to execute code in a secure sandbox - providing high performance, safe execution of potentially untrusted code, cross platform portability and deterministic execution.

What Can It Do?

  • Execute mods in a safe sandbox.
  • Run plugins written in a non-C# language (e.g. Rust or C++) on any platform.
  • Compile once, run anywhere.
  • Safe and sandboxed user scripting.
  • Run an entire language runtime (e.g. Python) inside a "virtual machine".
  • Execute deterministic game code for easy lockstep multiplayer.
  • Much more!

📦 What's In The Box? 📦

• Full C# source code.

• A Unity compatible WASM runtime.

├ Based on the widely used Wasmtime engine.

└ Frequently updated to the latest version.

• An editor import pipeline which optimises and precompiles WASM assets.

├ Automatically minimise loading times by preloading with Wizer.

├ Optimize for size and speed with Binaryen.

└ Pre-compile to native code with Wasmtime.

• Automatic code generation for C# <-> WASM interop code.

├ Fully supports the Job system.

Addressable asset loading (optional).

• WebAssembly System Interface (WASI) support.

├ Custom implementation of latest WASI standard.

├ Extensible implementation to perfectly match your application.

└ Full Virtual File System (VFS) for sandboxed file system access.

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