UNDERPOLY Project presents the "Urban & Coach Bus Collection", a collection for those who need all types of bus models. This is an evolving project that will receive frenquent updates to guarantee you a wide selection of vehicles and features.

You can easily customize exterior and interior colors, toggle lights and animate/control the necessary parts to make your project more complete.

The package comes with an extra showroom scene ready to be used in your projects.

Showroom Features:

  • Visualize, customize and select your vehicles;
  • Change colors of vehicle body, wheels and interior;
  • Open/Close doors and turn On/Off lights.

Important Details:

  • Vehicles use 3-4 materials (colors, lights, glass and general parts);
  • Materials are controlled by specific Shader Graphs;
  • You can easily manipulate colors and lights as you prefer;
  • Vehicles have openable doors and low detailed interior;
  • All vehicles come with ready-to-use door animations;
  • Ready-made vehicle prefabs doesn't come with colliders.
  • (NEW) Each vehicle have a version without interior and glass.

Let me know if you have any doubt, suggestion or need a specific type of asset for this collection. Contact me: underpolyproject@gmail.com