Electricity & Lightning - SFX pack

Contains 156 custom made electricity, lightning, electric explosions, generators, and electric blast SFX. 

An emmersive example scene is provided that includes prefabs of sparking lights/wires, broken generators, industrial textures & materials, and electricity/lightning particle effects.

SFX pack contents:

- 32 Electricity Shorts

- 2 Electricity Longs

- 16 Electricity Loops

- 21 Lightning strikes

- 40 Electric Explosions

- 23 Electric Blasts

- 16 Generator Loops

- 6 Generator Longs

Example Scene contents:


1x Ambient Music + portable radio model


2x Broken light

1x Arcing lightning generator

1x Arcing lightning generator_broken

1x Electricity generator

1x Electricity generator_broken

1x Sparks

1x Red button

1x Thunder ambience

+Various scripts for prefabs


2x Spark sprite sheet (black&white)

3x Arcing Lightning sprite sheet (black&white)

7x Metal sheet (normal, ao, height)

1x Panel sheet (normal, ao, height)


2x Spark (for particle system)

3x Arcing Lightning (for particle system)

8x Metal sheet

1x Panel sheet