2D Dungeon Tileset & Characters

The package includes:

Environment Sprites and Tilesets:

  • Dungeon Tileset (145 tiles, walls & floors)
  • Stone Fence Tileset (42 tiles)
  • Decorative Tileset (32 tiles, support beams, windows etc.)
  • Various Props (22 sprites)
  • Decals (192 sprites in total)

Environment Ruletiles and Tile Palettes:

  • Rule Tiles for Dungeon Tileset (1 wall, 1 top, 3 floors)
  • Rule Tiles for Stone Fence (2 variations)

Hero Character & Enemies:

  • Hero (2 Idle Variations, 4 Running Variations, 5 Attacks, Charging, Blocking)
    • 5 Different Armor Sets & 3 Matching Weapons for each Armor Set.
  • Ghoul (Idle, Walking, Running, Charging, 2 Attacks, Hurt)

Shaders & Materials:

  • Basic Sprite Shader (allows you to alter sprite color, hue, contrast and saturation)
  • Sprite Material (a few variations have been created to build the preview scene)
  • Decal Sprite Shader (allows you to alter colors and intensity)
  • Dissolve Shader (used for flames and smoke effects)