Plugin for ChatGPT / DALL-E (OpenAI)

Transform your Unity project into an intelligent, language-aware application with OpenAI Unity Integration. With just a few lines of code, you can integrate OpenAI's powerful ChatGPT text completion and DALL·E image generation directly into your Unity project!

🤖 Features

  • GPT 4 Support
  • DALL-E Image Generation
  • OpenAI Api Scripting Interface
  • Experimental Component Generation

🎮 Use Out-of-the-Box Components

  • OpenAiApiExample - simple API request wrapper
  • OpenAiReplaceImage - Replace sprites, meshes, and UI Images with AI-generated images
  • OpenAiReplaceText - replacing text objects with AI-generated text
  • OpenAiComponent - Generate and edit components using just text prompts

💬 Discord - Join the Conversation! @Helper Bot for Open AI powered help!

✏️ Get Scripting

Strong scripting interface for easily implementating your own components and integrating into any project.

using OpenAi;

var openai = new OpenAiApi();

var completion = await openai.CreateCompletion("Hello world"); // Text Completion

var image = await openai.CreateImage("Hello cat"); // Image Generation

🚀 Endorsements

A reputable reviewer had this to say about asset:

"Overall, the code seems to be well-organized and follows good coding practices such as encapsulation and modularization."

- ChatGPT

Third Party Notices:

Asset uses these assets under the mentioned License.

  • Readme under MIT
  • Readme Settings under MIT
  • MyBox under MIT
  • TP under MIT
  • uCodeEditor under MIT
  • UnityCodeEditor under MIT
  • PdfSharp under MIT
  • HTMLRenderer under BSD 3-Clause New or Revised License
  • HTMLAgilityPack under MIT
  • Anton-Regular.ttf under SIL Open Font License (OFL)
  • ComicNeue-Regular.ttf under SIL Open Font License (OFL)
  • Corben-Regular.ttf under SIL Open Font License (OFL)
  • DidactGothic-Regular.ttf under SIL Open Font License (OFL)
  • Gruppo-Regular.ttf under SIL Open Font License (OFL)
  • NixieOne-Regular.ttf under SIL Open Font License (OFL)
  • RobotoMono-Regular.ttf under Apache 2.0