

To implement our change to Vista editions model, this bundle will be discontinued on Feb 1, 2024.

Users will still receive customer support via email or Discord.

Polaris, Poseidon, Jupiter, Polaris Mini will receive periodly update on their corresponding store page.

For Vista modules, please refer to the link above for detail.



This bundle includes the following assets:

  1. Polaris 2021: Creating mesh based terrain, render a vast amount of vegetation. Fast and reliable.
  2. Poseidon: Precious polygonal water rendering at low processing cost.
  3. Jupiter: Animated procedural sky renderer.
  4. Polaris Mini: Fast and efficient terrain to mesh converter.
  5. Big World module for Vista: Advanced features for Vista to generate bigger world.
  6. Hand Painting module for Vista: Enable manual adjustment with brushes in Vista.
  7. Spline module for Vista: Perform spline based action inside Vista graph.

Additional: Vista 2023, a free asset but included in the bundle files to make sure you can get started fast.

While the total cost of all assets is almost $300, now you can get all of them at just $249, which includes future updates, bug fixing and customer service.


After purchasing this bundle, head to the corresponding store page of each asset to download them.


  • Unity 2020.3 LTS and up.
  • For individual asset requirements, please refer to their store page.


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