WEBGL version:
Inside the package is a script for managing and configuring a web or a rope. And a small demo scene for testing
PlayerMove Properties:
Rope Game Object: LineRenderer prefab, with your custom properties
Line Ui Game Object : LineRenderer prefab, with your custom properties
Speed Rope: the speed at which the rope is released
Speed Attraction : the speed at which the character is pulled towards the point where the rope hits
LayerMask Without Player: Everything layers without player:)
Max Rope Distance : Max Rope Distance
Break Force : the force with which the player flies so that the rope breaks
Min Distance Rope : The minimum distance of the rope, if the rope is less than this, it will break
ToleranceDistance : how many times the distance from the player to the rope hit1 must differ from the distance from the player to
hitting rope 2 so that rope 1 breaks. Works in reverse too
WebsPositions : important! The array must contain 2 objects. Their parents are the limbs of the player with the Rigidbody2D component