Advanced Update Loops

Unity has a built-in system for handling update loops called the PlayerLoop. It consists of nested PlayerLoopSystems and each of them handle a specific part of updating a frame in Unity. The most common one is ScriptRunBehaviourUpdate that calls all the Update methods of the MonoBehaviour scripts in the scene.

This asset comes with tools, prefabs and Editor views to easily add, remove and monitor parts of the PlayerLoop.


  • Create custom update loops and run them at any stage of the PlayerLoop
  • Drag ‘n drop a prefab to create a custom loop and select its callback method(s) in Editor
  • Or create it in code - AdvancedUpdateLoops.CreateCustomUpdateLoop()
  • Editor view for monitoring and customising the PlayerLoop
  • Add and remove update loops during play mode in Editor
  • Remove default loops and save the configuration to an asset file
  • Set the saved config in Editor to apply it on every app start
  • Created custom loops appear in the profiler for performance monitoring
  • Ready prefabs for PreUpdate, PostUpdate, PreLateUpdate, PostLateUpdate, PreFixedUpdate and PostFixedUpdate


  • Unity versions 2020.3 and newer
  • All build targets supported
